How to Customize the Layout of your R Shiny Apps
Would you like to know how to fully control the layout of your R shiny applications in a easy way?
Today you will learn how to:
- create a simple R Shiny User Interface (UI) Layout;
- how to add a sidebar with inputs;
- add multiple rows, columns, tabs and pages in R Shiny;
- add a theme and fully customize colors and fonts;
- and more…
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Create a Single Page Layout
Single page layouts are the bread and butter of Shiny applications. They provide a straightforward way to present all your Shiny app components on one page.
Here’s a example using the starwars dataset from the dplyr R package:
The users can interact with a dropdown menu to select a character from the starwars dataset and view details in a DataTable from the “DT” R package. This layout is effective for applications that require a simple interface with minimal user navigation.
We will see later how to add different tabs as well as various pages in your Shiny app.
How to add multiple rows in Shiny
For more complex apps, multi-row layouts allow you to place elements in multiple rows and columns using fluidRow() and column().
This layout divides the page into two rows: the first with two plots side by side, and the second with a full-width data table. These functions allow to structure easily multiple visual components in your Shiny app.
How to use tabPanel in Shiny
If you create Shiny applications with a lot of elements, the function tabsetPanel() and tabPanel() offers a compact solution by structuring content into clickable tabs.
Each tabPanel() holds a different content type: a plot, a text summary, and a data table. This is helpful for users who need to switch between different types of information within the same app.
Multiple pages with a navbar in R Shiny
For applications with more content, creating multiple pages simplifies the navigation using navbarPage() and tabPanel() functions.
In this example we use navbarMenu() for a hierarchical menu system, providing users a straightforward way to navigate through different sections of your dashboard.
Using Bootstrap with R Shiny
Shiny uses Bootstrap under the hood to ensure websites are mobile-ready and rendering well. You can customize the appearance using various bootwatch themes with the bs_theme() function of the “bslib” R package.
The bslib::bs_theme() function allows customization with Bootswatch themes. This example uses the “Cerulean” theme for a fresh, modern look.
Theming your R Shiny app with bslib
The bslib R package enables further customization by adjusting parameters like colors and fonts beyond the default Bootswatch theme.
This customized theme changes the background, foreground, and primary colors, creating a new design that reflects a unique aesthetic for your own dashboards.
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